Here are some tools to help you evaluate which metal and mesh counts are right for your application
Mesh count per lineal inch, open area percent, and weight per 100 square feet based on wire diameter and opening width for wire mesh with small openings.
Open area percent and weight per 100 square feet based on wire diameter and opening width for wire cloth with large openings
Temperature ranges for several processes that commonly use wire cloth.
Typical operating temperature limits for some of the metals we weave.
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) adopted ASTM E2016 in 1999. It is the most demanding and comprehensive standard for industrial wire cloth in the world, satisfying the most demanding technical requirements yet easily understood by personnel unfamiliar with wire cloth specifications.
ASTM E2016 sets tighter tolerances than those found in other International standards and is much easier for quality control, engineering, design, and purchasing personnel to use. English and Metric dimensions are included for use around the world.
The standard also provides specifications, technical definitions, and quality requirements. ASTM E2016 covers tolerances for mesh counts, wire diameters, and opening sizes. Inspection procedures and sampling methods for defects and blemishes are clearly defined. Commercial tolerances for quantity and roll width and length are also included.
As domestic weavers, we take extreme measures to control the sourcing of our raw materials. If you have a DFAR requirement for your wire mesh, we can certify that the country of melt conforms to DFARS 225.003.
Preference for Domestic Specialty Metals:
Suppliers must comply with DFARS 252.225-7014, ALT 1 clause.
This clause prohibits a prime contractor and all of its sub-tier suppliers from incorporating “specialty metals” (as defined in the clause) into military parts, components, and/or end item deliverables unless the specialty metals have been melted in the United States, its outlying areas or a qualifying country listed in DFARS 225.872-1.